Saturday, October 4, 2008

Just wanted to share how truly faithful our God is. I have been getting up at 6am this past week Monday and Tuesday, but not getting home from work until 6 or 7pm. Well for some reason, Wed. am I decided my body needed rest and slept in until 9am (I did not know I would sleep that long). That night at 10pm I got a call from my boss saying I needed to do continuous care for a patient from 12am until 8am - all night!!! I got to the patients house at 2am thanks to a co-workers mercy, but did not leave that house until 10 am the next morning. And I was very tired, but would have never made it unless I would have slept in the morning before.

The lesson: God always know what we need and exactly when we need it. Thanks a million Jesus!

Healthy Dad
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