Thursday, July 17, 2008


Welcome to This Healthy Home! We are excited that you came to visit us. The health of our family is really important. We have 2 girls and a baby boy on the way. As a Mom, it is important to me to provide all I can for my children. Safety is really important too. Our youngest daughter is 22 months old and we need to protect her from herself. She is the type to get into everything, climb on anything in her way, and just a bundle of non stop energy. So, my husband and I always have to be on our toes and one step ahead of her. She makes life fun, interesting, and challenging. Our oldest daughter is 3 and more laid back. However, if she sees her sister getting into trouble and it looks like fun, she is right along with her. The two together is what makes our home unique, fun, and challenging. Like any of your homes, you might have some same challenges or different challenges, but that is what makes every family unique and special. It is mine and my husband's goal to provide information to other people about what we have learned to try to keep our family healthy, active, and safe. We hope you enjoy all that we have to offer you. If you see anything that you would like more information on, please leave a comment and we will work on it.

You can take a few moments to check out the information that is posted on our website. The address is The kinds of information you will find is on healthy eating, organic foods, healthy activities, and child safety. We hope you find it information, enjoyable, and put us in your favorites.

A little about us...I am a stay at home Mom and my husband works as an RN for a hospice company. Before having children, I worked with adults and children with mental retardation. Our ministry is our family. We are raising the next generation, just like the majority of you who are probably reading this. Raising children is an amazing responsibility in today's world. We want our children to grow up loving Jesus like my husband and I do. The Word of God is important to us so we try to instill those values into our children so they will not depart from the truth when they are older. We pray you can take the information from this website, use it, and be blessed by it. God Bless You.

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