Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tom Brady

I can't wait until the regular season starts so I can watch Tom Brady and the New England Patriots play a football game. What does that have to do with this healthy home? For me, the healthy dad it does a lot. Watching Tom Brady sit back in the pocket calm cool and collected encourages me to do the same thing when my precious children are driving me crazy, or when I'm wondering how we are going to pay our mortgage next month. The whole team seems to be calm no matter what. I love Peyton Manning, but when he is in the pocket he seems to always be dancing for his life.

Seriously though, watching a football game can be very healthy once in a while if I don't get over emotional. And lets face it, it's restful. I don't have time to watch football every week, but I love the sport and praise God for it. -- Healthy Dad

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